Wednesday, April 29, 2009

vote for nobody


were burning down

little one: SOL

10 year old girl called solveig

some crazy graffiti
and tattoos

they talk about the next banksy
listverse is great. ive learned so much trivial information.

this one is particularly interesting:
10 modern bizarre paranormal phenomena

#3-1 really creeped me out.

watch out for the black stick men
whether theyre real or not

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

ba sk et ba ll

ive never really been into basketball too much since last year's playoffs, this year that changed.

im liking Lebron and the cavs even though Kobe is killin it.

representing my dad's hometown.

Friday, April 24, 2009

just a few

click for full view, i dont know how to show the whole piece



picture quality isnt great thanks to a scanner error

one for the road: everyone's favorite kneeshaker

yeah yeah

I haven't posted anything on this in a long time. i spend a lot of time looking at shit on the internet and making art so I'll share whats interesting.

bonus throwback shot:

still have the scar